

The famous Qur'an translator Yusuf Ali is a BIG fat liar

…also Shakir is a liar

Allah, god of "perhaps" & "maybe" ... he is not sure

Source: CP Christian Prince


Qur'an translation used in this video: searchtruth.com

Investigate Islam
–7 min translator Pickthal said the TRUTH

by the way: Hail [sent by god Allah] Caesar ... Hail Hitler (German: Heil)

Amazon.com "The Deception of Allah"
A Book, Muslims Do Not Want You To Read


See also surah 4:34 Yusuf Ali (and other translators) also lies and sanitize the Quran for the West: The words (first), (next), (and last) and (light) NEVER EXIST IN THE QURAN (from Video: Cover women heads – Quran 24:31, 33:59 fatwas & ahadith Sahih)

The words in bracket "()" are LIES, or bad words in Arabic which are hide, and were not translated

"The Generous Qur'an", An Accurate, Modern English Translation of the Qur'an, Islam's Holiest Book

The Quran said in this video was the closest to the original: Usama Publishing
or on: The Straight Way
or form: Amazon.com


Allah – The Greatest Deceiver of them All
Deception in Islam
