[ video ¬ ] ‘… Just Issue orders TO KILL every Jew in the country.’—Bukhari Book 1, No. 6
Genocidal ahadith Sahih (i.e. 'sound', 'reliable')—Bukhari & Muslim—to the Jews ¬
Q2:40, 7:137 Muhammad said that Israel was ordained for Allah's favorite people
8:37 "IMpure" (UNbelievers) vs. "PURE" (believers)
4 Min 8:65 “O Prophet! rouse the Believers to the fight.” 98:7, 3:110 “Ye are the BEST of peoples, evolved for mankind” (Muslims)
vs. 8:55 “vilest of animals” (kuffar, unbelievers) 98:6
Same concept like "Adolf Nazi" with his Aryan Cult — SUPERmen
vs. subhuman beings (foremost the Jews)
censored by dhimmi 9:29 Tube
here still available
1:20 - 2:20 Min "… According to the Quran 32:23, 5:44 these [Allah's favorite] people are the Jews … However the Jews did not believe in Muhammads false claims of Prophethood … So Muhammad had a hissy fit and then contradicted everything he had already said"
This sweet litle Jewish kid (middle) of Paris (France) got a point-blank shot from a devout Muslim 9:5, 9:29 fulfills in 9:111 (the other sweet little kids, and parents also killed)
Sahih ('reliable') Bukhari Book 52, No. 176-7, Book 56, No. 791
Sahih ('authentic') Muslim No 6981-5
click to zoom…
Music: Two Steps From Hell - Freedom Fighters (Invincible)
3 min Allah, 9:29 "Fight those who believe not in Allah … until they (only Jews & Christians) pay the Jizya (protection poll taxmoney, Page 166 "… this is how the mafia operates") with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued"
Tafsir ('explanation') 9:28-29
3:20 Q. 5:64-66 "[Yusuf Ali] … Amongst them (Jews) we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Judgment. … BUT THEY (ever) STRIVE TO DO MISCHIEF/corruption on earth. And Allah loveth NOT those 5:33 '… for MISCHEIF through the land' (trouble, i.e. 16:88 '… REJECT [prima donna]Allah' & 7:103)
4:20 coward mafia godfather,
8:17 "And you did NOT kill them, BUT it was Allah who KILLED THEM … He might test the believers with a good TEST"
Heil Hitler, Heil Muhammad 250 KB … 'Just Issue orders TO KILL every Jew in the country.' Bukhari Book 1, Number 6
(video) Muslim Group Incites Hate at University of Central Florida - Revisited
ALL Jews living today are offspring/descendants from transformed Jews into Apes transformed by Allah "… who transgressed among you concerning the sabbath" (Q.5:60)
Transforming Jews (& Christians) into Apes (& Swine)
to Allah, Quran 2:63-65, 5:58-60, 7:163-166
PDF-doc "Good Muslims Kill" … The crescent moon is as tolerant as the swastika. The Qur’an is as warlike as Mein Kampf. Peace in Islam is as Hitler defined it: “There will be peace when Aryans alone(Q8:39) rule the world.”
Allah, Qur'an 5:82 THE JEWS will be the worst enemies of Muslims [ SS key aya 60:4 '… we have REJECTED you, and there has arisen, between us('pure' 8:37 believers) and you('IMpure' UNbelievers), enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone" …' ] Genocide to the Jews
More Jew-hatred
‘… Just Issue orders TO KILL every Jew in the country.’—Bukhari Book 1, No. 6
"The Last Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and KILL THEM" Sahih (i.e. 'sound', 'reliable') Muslim Book 41, ahadith 6981-5
Saheeh Bukhari Volume 4, Book 56, hadith 791
(Allah'SS jihad, i.e. '… wage holy war')
Allah, 61:4, 8-9, 13 '… VICTORY from Allah and an imminent conquest; …'
"And fight them until there is no more fitnah and
the religion is all for Allah"
Al Anfaal: 39
Qur'an 9:111 “SLAY and are slain” for promised paradise
“... that is the achievement SUPREME”
… which fulfills 9:5 + 9:29
(certainly for beginners) Allah's Qur'an is “easy to understand” 44:58, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40 "no doubt" 2:2 in it 32:2, 3 “…which there is no doubt”