(excerpt, page 56
'CONFILCT IN MECCA') Of course, this verse was only 'revealed' upon realizing his own weak
minotry status and the distinct possibility of being assassinatied. Had be been a
more formidable opponent, this would never have taken place. Furtermore,
though he may have feigned to be a somewhat 'peaceful' prophet initially, the
Quranic Meccan verses inadvertently reveal that Muhammad actually harboured
ulterior motives, which ultimately proves an insidious aganda was at play. By his
own admission, the Quran prescribes to the early Muslim followers to "Give respite to the disbelievers.
Deal gently with them… for a while"68
From this very verse, we can extrapolate that Muhammad had
intended for a violent end, regardless of his preliminary peace-loving facade.
This verse is neither an isolated exhortation, as the sentiment is echoed at least
four times in the Quran.
69 [verse 37:174] [38:88] [73:11] [86:13-17]