Cruel punisher 4:56

Video 6-20-2016,

Kerry: 'Zero Evidence' That Muslim Refugees

'Pose Any Greater Threat' Than Other Groups

Human butcher 5:33-40

Source: Kerry: 'Zero Evidence' That Muslim Refugees 'Pose Any Greater Threat' Than Other Groups

Va Interfaith Center John Kerry (start) '… Z E R O  evidence™ …'
… to Z E R O _evidence™, 9:111 '… KILL and are killed … which is the GREAT attainment.' to win 'Paradise'


Paris, Brussel & the latest Istanbul jihadis hidden under 'refugees' VS Art 16a(2) GG (Basic Law, constitution)

Federal 'Minister' of Justice & clown Maas, (paid by my tax dollars), 'Terrorists are NOT refugees'

–0:40 '… bigoted and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims plays right into the hands of the terrorist recruiters who propagate the lie that America is at war with Islam'

Angelina Jolie: Islam Is 'Beautiful Religion'

Tafsir, explanation of the 'Ayah of the Sword' '… means, on the earth in general, … This way, they will have NO choice, but to die (mutilation) or embrace Islam, …'

latest chapter 9, the declaration of open-ended war against the kuffar (unbelievers)

Allah, the coward sadist & beast

— Q. 10:4 “… draughts of boiling fluids… because they did R E J E C T Him.”

