شيخ أسترالي يدافع عن مجاهدي أفغانستان !!! Afghan Mujahideen
i.e. Allah's fighter's (cf. offensive jihad 'talab' 8/39) "… may be martyred ten times because of the dignity ('great attainment' 9/111, he receives (from Allah)."
A devout Muslim
48:(1, 28)29 "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are strong against Unbelievers (cf. 8/55, 'enemies' if not submit 41/28, 48/28, 45/8-9, 98/6), (but) compassionate amongst each other"
9:73 "O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed."
Mohammed's Flag and Seal "… Mohammed is the messenger of Allah”, seems to be missing but is NOT – it is incorporated in the rounded shape underneath. That white circle on the flag is of special significance since it represents Mohammed's SEAL."
–6:20 Min "… Imam Mahdi is going to be called a terrorist"
–5:45 "… against the Hyocrites"— Allah, 33:23, 24 "… and punish the Hypocrites" —Mujahidin will get a 4:74 "reward of great (value)" & a "special reward" 4:95
–4:50 Min "… we are speaking (i.e. fighting) against Shirk"
(9:1 'DISbelieve[rs] in the ONEness of Allah')
"… A true Salafi 37 KB (i.e. devout Muslim) actively seeks to REMOVE
(i.e. Q. 9:29 (dictated on death-bed) "FIGHT THOSE who believe not in Allah", if refuse to pay jizyah, i.e. protection tax, "kill the unbelievers" 9:5) SHIRK
97 KB (polytheism, e.g. Q. 5:73 Trinity of Christians) WITH ALL HIS CAPACITY." Bukhari
No. 819
The power of the Salafis
The Shahada i.e Muslim declaration of belief:
"There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God." (writing on flag)
The WHITE flag (only) for Dar al-Islam (Arabic: دار الإسلام literally house/abode of Islam; or Dar as-Salam, house/abode of Peace; or Dar al-Tawhid, house/abode of monotheism) is identified as the "flag of the Caliphate" (and for the Millitary leader)
while the black one (Dar al-Harb, house of war, non-Muslim countries) is dubbed the "flag of Jihad" ... and is carried into battle
(Khorasan is Iran for answering-islam.org)
The black flag as al-raya and the WHITE flag as al-liwa'
"If you see the black flags coming from Khurasan (Afghanistan),
join that army, even if you have to crawl over ice, for that is the army of the Imam al-Mahdi
and no one can stop that army until it reaches Jerusalem.”
أنّ جيش, [إفن يف] أنت يضطرّ زحفت على جليد, لأنّ أنّ الجيش من [إيمم] [أل-مهدي]
ولا أحد يستطيع توقّفت أنّ جيش إلى أن هو [رشس] القدس. ” .... [Narrated on authority of Ibn Majah, Al-Hakim, Ahmad]
"And fight them until there is no more fitnah and
the religion is all for Allah"
Al Anfaal: 39
Misconceptions about arrival of Mahdi & Prophet Eisa [Jesus] (Part-1) 400 KB
… Dear Prophet Muhammad Salallaho alayhay wa alay he wa sallam) said: Black Flags will appear from KHORASAN ,Nothing will will stop them until they will be placed at Elya(The Holy Land of Jerusalem)" [Masnad Ahmad Volume 4,Hadith 1599]
"The Last Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and KILL THEM" SaHeeH (i.e. "sound", "reliable") Muslim Book 41, Number 6981-5
… from Heinrich Himmler