"… A true Salafi
(i.e. devout Muslim) actively seeks to REMOVE (i.e. Allah's apartheid Q.
9:29 (marshal warfare), if refuse to pay jizyah, i.e. protection poll tax, "kill the unbelievers" 9:5) SHIRK 97 KB (polytheism,
e.g. Q. 5:73 Trinity of Christians) WITH ALL HIS CAPACITY." Bukhari Book No. 819,
No. 437
"The Views Of Ahlus-Sunnah Towards The Sahaba (the companions of the Prophet)" (print) 40 KB
wishy-washy Muslims
SaHeeH (i.e. "sound", "reliable", most authentic) Bukhari Book No. 819 … "The Prophet said, ‘The BEST PEOPLE are those living in my generation, then those coming after them, … coming after (the 2nd generation) … There will be some people after you, WHO WILL BE DISHONEST AND WILL NOT BE TRUSTWORTHY (i.e. wishy-washy Muslims) …’"
No. 437 The Prophet said, "The BEST PEOPLE (i.e. faithfull to Allah) are those of MY generation, …"
Sahih Muslim Book 57 "The Companions of Muhammad" No. 1 - 3 … "Allah's Apostle said, 'The BEST of my followers are those living in MY generation (i.e. my contemporaries) … then the Prophet added, 'There will come after you, people who will bear witness without being asked to do so, and will be treacherous and untrustworthy [wishy-washy, or "MODERATE" Muslims], and they will vow and never fulfill their vows, and fatness will appear among them.'
Allah about the today so-called "MODERATE" Muslims in his Qur'an 33:23, 24 "… and punish the Hypocrites"