61:4 "Truly Allah LOVES those who fight in His Cause in battle array (who engage in war against unbelievers —> 2:216), as if they were a solid cemented structure."
"… Never, ever, does Islam take responsibility because it is a peacful religion with a few (million) extremists who have misunderstood it."
"Jihad In The Way Of Allah" (300 KB), Page 29(45-50 Apendix, list of ALL Qur'anic violent jihadi verses, i.e. paragraphs)
BLACK FLAGS OF JIHAD - Mahdi Army will come from region of KHORASAN (primarily Afghanistan)
Al Mukalla — Sterben um zu leben (die to live)
"… Sword-jihad is a religious obligation laid on Muslims by Allah
(2:216). Allah buys the Muslims’ souls as his slaves (9:111) to perform relentless (47:35) sword-jihad against non-Muslims until all non-Muslims are vanquished (3:139, 47:35). In recompense for the risks of war, Allah promises that the Mujahideen (Bukhari Book 52, No. 72;
No. 50, 51 53) will have a great reward
4:95 4:76). This “great reward” is multi-faceted: Allah guarantees absolution from all sins (including, implicitly, war-crimes) and immunity from hell
(61:10-13). Furthermore, those that die during sword-jihad are guaranteed entry to paradise immediately
(3:195) whereas those that survive will get war-booty
(4:74) eventually equalling all the wealth of the world (48:20-21) and guaranteed entry to paradise on their deaths. Allah also promises quick victories
(61:10-13; and
61:4 "… LOVES those who fight in His Cause
9:33) in battle array" [like ISIS, Al Qaeda, …]).
beheaded by coward Q8:17, 47:4 & 9:14-15 Koranimals
This agreement is seen as a (holy) covenant between Allah and the Muslims (33:15,23). …"
9:111 "slay (98:6) and are slain
(98:7)" for promised paradise "… that is the achievement supreme."
… which fulfills 9:5 +
(offensive jihad 'talab')
Tafsir 9:5 150 KB
1.2 MB … ('kill' through mutilation 8:12, 47:4 , 5:33) means, on the earth in general"
Tafisr 8:12-13 Page 13, 1.7 MB
Tafsir 47 1 MB
"… 'Wage war'
5:33 … means, oppose and contradict (Quran, e.g. refuse paying
jizya 9:29), and it includes DISBELIEF, … MISCHIEF(trouble) in the land refers to various types of 'EVIL'(also: 'DISBELIEVED' e.g.
Tafsir 5:33, Page 54
Tafsir 9:29 "… This honorable Ayah was revealed with the order to fight the People of the Book [Bible, i.e. Jews & Christians], after the pagans were defeated, the people entered Allah's religion in large numbers, and the Arabian Peninsula was secured under the Muslims' control."
Tafsir [prev page]9:111 "Allah has purchased the Souls and Wealth of the Mujahidin in Return for Paradise …"
Allah declares war on every non-Muslim, who 7:103 "reject his signs" (Quran)
sabaton.net1:10 Min "… Chosen by god or a coward insane? Stand up and show me your face!"
… through Muslim hands 8:17 'It is not ye who slew them; it was Allah … He might T E S T the Believers by a gracious trial from Himself', 9:9-15 '(14) Fight them, and Allah will p u n i s h them by y o u r hands', 47:4(-9) '… to TEST some of you'
Bukhari "Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad)" No. 72, No. 694, No. 50-3 "… except the martyr who, on seeing the superiority of martyrdom, would like to come back to the world and get killed again (in Allah's Cause).", 9:111 "slay and are slain" for promised paradise (DIRECT highest 7th level)
wishy-washy Muslims, who "still wait" Q.33:23, 24 "… and punish the Hypocrites" — Devout Muslims who do NOT wait ("conqueror of ALL religion" 61:9, 8:39) will get a 4:74 "reward of great (value)" & a "special reward" 4:95
Mafia godfather 47:4, 8:17,
9:14-15 Allah,
… through 8:12 mutilating, i.e. beheading kuffar or 5:33 "crucifixon"
Show me anything about self-defense in this verse 9:29
Muslims are commanded to fight people because of their BELIEFS.
9:32 Allah "won't allow" Jews & Christians to spread their false believes through preaching
(1st option in Islam) Invitation to Islam 9:6 — BUT (2nd[3rd only Jews & Christians refuse to pay jizya] option) "Fight those who believe not in Allah" 9:29, mafia godfather Allah declares WAR on anybody who do 5:33 "mischief/corruption (trouble)", i.e. 7:103 "reject his signs (i.e. ayahs[verses], e.g. pay protection poll tax 9:29 ‘jizya’)"
The renowned Qur'an commentator Ibn Kathir Tafsir 9:5 1.2 MB "means on earth, in general … This way, they will have no choice, but to die or embrace Islam"
"… Sword-jihad is a religious obligation laid on Muslims by Allah (2:216). …"
Terrorist#1 Allah, 3:151 "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers"
The prophet of Islam boasted, "… I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy, i.e. 8:12, 8:59 'unbelievers')" — Ref. Sahih al-Bukhari 2977, Bukhari No. 267 - 269 '… The Prophet said, "War (i.e. jihad) is deceit." '
Bukhari Book 8, No. 387 "Allah's Apostle said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.'"
Fight who? All non-Muslims (dirty 'in religion' 9:28, 29 Tafsir,
mushrikun POLYtheists, idolators [ kuffar, i.e. unbelievers ]
8:37 "IMpure", 8:55,
98:6), Fight them where? Wherever they exist, dar al-Harb (the land of war), Fight them how long? Endless, "till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah'"
This, quite simply, is Allah's mandate for ISLAMIC WORLD WAR