"I wrote the Koran. I slept with a 8 year young girl."—pedo muh.
"… He married a SIX-year-old girl, had foreplay[ Mufa’ Khathat, known as 'thighing' …"
Fight Islamophobia
Allahu akbar
Paradigm of Islam
Islam is a terrorist organization
There is no historical context
"… Changing what is perfect you are an enemy of Allah"
The Age Of Absurdity
"I thought you guys wanna us to be aware of Islam? Here it is!"
'… enemies of Allah - the Fire 4:56.
… of Our verses, were rejecting.'
'Deal gently with them … for a while' 86:13-17
8:12-17 '… I will instil terror'
IS 2/30 to Christians
'As Muslim's we are God's slaves'
'… The crescent moon is as tolerant as the swastika.'
Jahannam—The Hell
MSA, '… don't give up'
wahabi means nothing—meaningless appellation (title)
(grapic video) Burning for ALL eternity, 4:56
New age MEETS 7th century barbaric middle age
(video) 'I Am a Muslim' Project
Reza Aslan, PhD
OUT_of_historical_context™ ¬
4:76 "Those who BELIEVE fight in the cause of Allah[8:39, 48:1-28], and those who REJECT Faith[10:4, 5:33] Fight in the cause of Evil: So FIGHT ye against the friends of Satan"
2:216 Fighting has been enjoined upon you …"
–3:30 min [video below] "… if they DON'T join jihad they are hypocrites" 4:95
–3:40 33:23-4 "… TRUE to their Covenant (24) … and punish the Hypocrites" to 5:33, 4:89
–2:15 8:65 "… ROUSE them to the FIGHT(jihad, 9:5 'KILL', 29 'FIGHT' 111 'SLAY')" 8:17, 9:14
… for world domination over 'IMpure' 8:37 UNbelievers 61:8-9, 8:39, 9:33 "… manifest it over ALL religion[systems]"
–0:35 "… Shari'ah law" of Allah [key ayah]5:48 '… We have appointed a DIVINE law'
"The Prophet Muhammad as a Jihad Model" (250 KB)
Flyer in German, PDF-doc 50 KB Submit, or Die Q9:29
50 KB Page 2
'… and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God'—Revelation 20:4
click to zoom ¬
'The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)'
by Robert Spencer
Sample Chapters ¬
What about the violent passages in the Bible?
Islam is a terrorist organization 33:26, …
Reforming Impossible
"Hatred & Violence in the Qur'an awareness month"
"IslamoPHOBIA"(i.e. BASELESS FEAR of Islam) — a cure by 'Dr' Spencer
120 KB "The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran", Page 93/94 'Muhammad the "excellent example" … the supreme example of behavior for Muslims to follow …'
Muhammad used an eyeliner (kohl)
TEN points plan to save the West
'New York Times' Bestseller Robert Spencer, Director of jihadwatch.org
Why Jihad is prescribed
HOW ISLAM WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD (48:1-28, 9:29-33, 8:39 & 61:4-13)
Death for Q4:89 "reject ('True')faith"
Son of Hamas, 'Jihad is the HIGHEST level in Islam'
–3:30 min "… commanded to LIE appreciated to go to heaven what is called taqiyya (3:28)"
Mass 'Honor Killing' (i.e. dishonor murders)
Allah's 'DIVINE LAW' Q5:48 for Australia
Genocidal ahadith Sahih Bukhari & Muslim to the Jews
–5:20 Tafsir('explanation') 9:5 [ reading View ] 150 KB … ('kill' through mutilation 8:12, 47:4 , 5:33) means, on the earth in general"
Tafisr 8:12-14 Page 13, 1.7 MB
Tafsir 47 1 MB
–2:40 "… Why only Islam is EXEMPTED under law(UN resolution 16/18 ¬) from the kind of CRITICISM?"
Islam is under 'Nature Protection' 9:29-33, 111
Islam is a pervert 65:4 men club 4:3, 34
Michael Savage
A society which sells Islam as peace™ has a problem!
THE GATES OF HELL — 5:45 "eye for eye"
4:24 "agree Mutually" (Mu'ta marriage, temporary)
‘… I will cast TERROR into the hearts of those who DISbelieve’ 8:12-17
"… LESSON to the inhabitants of the WORLD …
So that NO subordinate 9:29 would dare to challenge SUPERIORS 8:39, 9:33, 48:1-28"
The powerful dhimmitude 9:29
The essence of Mohammedanism
Rep. Michele Bachman (USA)
"OIC Summit: Ten-year strategic action plan … VII. Combating Islamophobia" 124 KB
HR Resolution 16/18 50 KB
August 18, 2014 American Journalist James Foley beheaded
Allah, 48:13, 4:56-7 "… as often as their skins are roasted through.."
(video) The Child Bride of Muhammad - 65:4
The Challenge
° other important pdf doc's
[ word for word the true revelation of Allah 10:37, 36:69-70, 40:2 45:2, 46:2 ]
NO ROOM 'interpretation' in it!
[i]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonestown "Jonestown was the informal name for the "Peoples Temple Agricultural Project", an intentional community in northwestern Guyana formed by the Peoples Temple, a cult from California, United States, led by Jim Jones. It became internationally notorious in November of 1978, when 918 people died in the settlement as well as in a nearby airstrip and in Georgetown, Guyana's capital. The name of the settlement became synonymous for the incidents at those locations ..."